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SBP launches SUNWAI portal to cater to customer complaints

SBP launches the SUNWAI portal to cater to customer complaints: The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has launched “Sunwai,” a customer complaint service portal and app, as part of its ongoing efforts to improve the banking sector’s efficiency and fairness in handling complaints and to address the challenges banking customers face in handling complaints.

Sunwai is a one-stop shop for people who have problems with banks, microfinance banks, and development financial institutions (DFIs) in Pakistan to file complaints.

Presently, clients can stop their objections connected with any financial item or administration, including Roshan Computerized Records (RDA) through Sunwai for their opportune goal.

How to access Sunwai ? (SBP launches SUNWAI portal)

Sunwai’ can be accessed via an Android or iOS mobile application, as well as a web browser.

Enlisted clients can hold up protests whenever it might suit them in one or the other English or Urdu dialects. Users are informed of the status of each complaint via SMS and email, as well as given a unique tracking number.

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Banks have been encouraged to guarantee a brief and fair goal of objections well inside the times required to circle back (TATs) as endorsed by SBP. This client objection administration entrance and application are supposed to contribute altogether towards fortifying customer trust in the financial business.

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