How can a NRP's gets Biometric verification done for there bank account ?

How can a NRP’s gets Biometric verification done for there bank account ?

How can a NRP’s gets Biometric verification done for there bank account ?

NRP’s are basically non resident Pakistanis’ who are living abroad permanently or temporally due to work visa or visiting visa for a longer period of time.

When did SBP make it mandatory to install biometric machines in bank branches?

SBP vide BPRD Circular Letter No. 13 dated June 08,2015 advised banks/DFIs to make use of biometric technology at the branch level for verification of particulars of prospective customers.

What is the purpose of biometric verification in banks?

The main purpose of biometric verification is facilitation of customers by instant verification of their particulars through an advanced technological verification tool which is linked with Nadra system.

It is also a secure way to ensure genuineness of the desired customer.

Is the requirement of biometric verification limited to individual customers only for bank account?

No, refer to  BPRD Circular Letter No. 13 of 2015 it does not limit the scope of biometric verification to individual customers only but also it also implies on the entity signatories or as applicable.

Which individual are considered as Non-resident Pakistanis (NRP’S) ?

 Non-resident Pakistanis (NRP’S) are basically those expats who are currently residing abroad either on temporary basis or permanently.

Normally person’s staying abroad for more than 6 months or so typically falls in (NRP) category.

What Document’s are required to get customer BIO exempted marked?

Although Biometric verification is made the mandatory requirement for all bank account holder’s, but yet refer to SBP BPRD Circular Letter No. 16 of 2019 Dated 03 June 2019 , it is clarified that those customers who fall under the category of NRP’s, the bank/ DFI may obtain a signed undertaking from the customer also containing the following:

• Customer’s NRP status along with proof (i.e. copy of valid passport, visa, entry/exit stamp page of passport, resident permit, etc.)

• Copy of valid ID document (CNIC/ NICOP)

• Account number(s) and details of the customer’s account(s) maintained with the bank as per customer record.

• Undertaking by the customer to inform the bank of any change in residency status.

Customer may send above mentioned documents through there registered email address with the concerned bank or send them through courier also for required onward process at bank’s end as per SOP’s.

The bank/ DFI, after verification of the customer’s signature from its record, shall accordingly update/ reflect the NRP status in the customer profile linked to his bank account.

Read more:

Alternate process to Biometric verification for NRP’s Bank Account holder:

For such customers, as an alternative to biometric verification, the bank/ DFI may conduct fresh NADRA Verisys  verification using the information provided by the customer and Update the record in desired bank system against customer profile attached with his valid Nadra ID card number.

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